What to do in the event of exclusion

Are you being discriminated against because of your HIV infection? Whether this happens at work, in a public authority, hospital or practice... The "HIV-related discrimination" contact centre of Deutsche Aidshilfe can help you.

The contact centre is available to you as a discussion partner, informs you about complaint options, supports you in your individual decision and accompanies you through the complaints procedure. The contact centre works closely with the AIDS service organisations in your area.


In addition to individual counselling, the contact point is committed to reducing discrimination. Here you can find Further information on the contact point.


Rejection during sex

The Positive Voices 2.0 study reveals even more: "Over half of those surveyed have been rejected at least once during sex in the past 12 months," Kuske continues. It is therefore not surprising that almost half of the people with HIV surveyed find it difficult to talk about their HIV status during sex. Almost 80 per cent consider it risky to talk about their HIV infection in general.


Matthias Kuske, Project Coordinator positive voices 2.0

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Prejudices and myths

Don't drink from the same cup? HIV-positive people are all sluts, aren't they? You don't grow old with HIV? These prejudices and myths are still often encountered today. But they have little to do with reality.


People with HIV can lead a good and long life, but...

...of course there are advantages to remaining HIV-negative. The infection has - rightly - lost its horror and is seen as a chronic disease. However, HIV treatment also means taking medication for the rest of your life and having regular check-ups. In addition, many HIV-positive people still experience discrimination and marginalisation in their lives, as the Positive Voices 2.0 study has shown.


What needs to be done?

The good news is that as many as 40 per cent of respondents stated that they have experienced less discrimination since the introduction of protection through treatment. Protection through therapy means that HIV medication suppresses the reproduction of HIV in the body. HIV can then no longer be transmitted during sex. Protection through therapy


HIV is not transmissible under therapy.

Many in the gay community already know this fact, but many still do not.
It is just as important to make it clear that for people with HIV in Germany, it is usually not HIV itself that is the problem, but marginalisation, rejection and discrimination.


We at ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU will continue to ...

  • raise awareness of the issue of discrimination against people with HIV in the gay community too
  • help to reduce the stigmatisation of people with HIV
  • Identify, break down and change discriminatory structures
  • show real, authentic images of living with HIV and integrate people living with HIV as an essential part of the campaign
  • Strengthen solidarity with stigmatised and discriminated groups.


We need your support, because we can only achieve this together.

Here are a few initial tips on how you can support us:

  • Get all the information you need on iwwit.de about "Safer Sex 3.0", living with HIV today or protection through therapy.
  • Talk to your friends, family or work colleagues about this page.
  • Show solidarity when people with HIV are marginalised or discriminated against! Whether online, in the scene, at work or in your private life.

Mpox - Current information

More space _ Safer Spaces for Queers

More space

Go to the test

Darkroom characters: The catfish

Gay. Trans*. Part of the scene!

Further offers

We offer various counselling services. Whether online, by phone or in a live chat: experienced and trained counsellors are available to answer all your questions about HIV, STIs, chemsex and mental well-being. You can seek help from the anti-discrimination centre if you have experienced discrimination due to your HIV infection.