As of today, Deutsche Aidshilfe has a brand new Facebook page with more content and more information. Spread the word!
I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING role model and "part-time blogger" Marcel thinks it's great: "Well, I'm glad you're finally here too and I'll spread the word about the site straight away ;-)"
That's a good idea. Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe (DAH) has developed a new, very beautiful Facebook page and we want everyone to know that. Anyone who befriends DAH on Facebook is personally invited by Managing Director Silke Klumb via video message to join in, contribute, post articles and get in touch and exchange ideas with other friends. And many of them are already doing so.
But of course it also means that you are quickly provided with the latest information and current topics from DAH, so that you are always up to date when it comes to HIV and AIDS.
Six months ago, DAH's online presence was relaunched at DAH has now been completely and magnificently relaunched with its new Facebook page. Like!