When the sheep bleat with the wolves: right-wing extremist comments from gays

The Syrian is going to Islamise the West, the asylum seeker who is being ripped off even has a smartphone, and Germans should only help Germans - on Facebook, these kinds of right-wing ideology are also posted by gays. High time for a clear edge.

The Syrian is going to Islamise the West, the asylum seeker who is being ripped off even has a smartphone, and Germans should only help Germans - on Facebook, these kinds of right-wing ideology are also posted by gays. High time for a clear edge.

A few years ago, the left-wing TAZ caused an uproar in the right-wing scene with an April Fool's joke: the newspaper reported on an NPD functionary named Hubert Mölsen who had come out as gay. The Nazi blog Altermedia Deutschland took over the supposed news and recognised the fictitious Mölsen as real. The hate comments from readers were not long in coming: "I could never accept a faggot as a comrade," was one of the comments under the blog entry. "These traitors to the people should be castrated or better still shot." "Gays and lesbians are just sick and not national. It doesn't matter how masculine or feminine someone is...faggot remains faggot."

The gay and lesbian mainstream is surprised
Gays as comrades of right-wing extremists? For many people, this scenario really only seems conceivable as an April Fool's joke. Who wants to make common cause with their potential executioners? What's more, the gay and lesbian mainstream in Germany tends to take a left-wing to liberal stance. This has a lot to do with the fact that the current LGBT movement has its roots in the student revolt of 1968. Back then, gay activists formed an alliance with the women's movement in order to break down encrusted bourgeois values and gender concepts. Gays demonstrated alongside Maoists against imperialism and the Vietnam War. In the 1980s, gays also tended to be on the left. It was the time when the Greens established themselves alongside the SPD and Helmut Kohl was a favourite enemy. Only recently has conservatism had prominent, openly gay representatives, and to this day gay and lesbian CDU members regularly shake their heads: "The conservatives are always putting obstacles in our way. You can't possibly support them."

The Michael Kühnen enigma
Against this background, it becomes clear why it seems strange to so many people when a homosexual joins the ranks even further to the right. Take Michael Kühnen, for example. The Bundeswehr University student rose to become the spokesman of the neo-Nazi scene in the 1970s. He not only put the German right to the test, with supposed comrades even literally executing one of his gay followers. Kühnen has also always remained an enigma for the middle classes. For example, hardly any article about the neo-Nazi, who died of AIDS-related complications in 1991, fails to mention the term "colourful figure".  

Right-wing slogans on Facebook
This cliché-ridden gay stereotype declares homosexual right-wing radicals to be a marginal phenomenon. But brown thoughts are not the domain of heterosexual, intellectually less gifted young men in Saxon villages. There are numerous gay sheep who bleat with the right-wing wolves. This can be seen most clearly on Facebook. Ever since Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe and ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU called for people to show solidarity with refugees, there has been a hail of hate comments. Here are a few examples:

"At the latest when the first crosses appear on house walls, you do-gooders will realise that Islamisation will also make your heads fly."

"Why are they all coming to us when there are so many countries in between? They get security everywhere, money only with us!"

"There are more 'homophobic' people than those who have experienced 'homophobia'."

"And then take a look at the black, exclusively male, well-fed refugee actors who come across the sea in brand-name clothes and the latest iPhones!!!"

The profiles of the authors suggest that they are openly gay men. There is no room here to discuss differences between "right-wing", "radical right-wing" and "neo-Nazi". But what these users are posting are at least bubbles from the brownish Pegida swamp. One of them even uses the Wehrmacht slogan "God with us" and the flag of the German Reich as the cover picture of his Facebook account.

People as "dirt"
A further example may illustrate which mates the gays quoted are literally getting into bed with. A heterosexual rocker according to his profile left the following comment on the Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe website:

"Stand up for us Germans for God's sake and not for where this crap comes from! (...) there used to be almost no Aids in Germany, where do you think the problem is coming from?

Similar theses about AIDS are also regularly put forward by gays. And there are also gay followers of the nationalist "Germans should only help Germans". But would these homosexuals also click "Like" on the following request?

"Faggot arsefuckers away with the filth!"

The same rocker left this comment on the Facebook page of the right-wing conservative newspaper "Junge Freiheit" under an article about gay discrimination in the CDU. What the gay sympathisers of right-wing ideas don't seem to understand: Those who divide people into "Volksgenossen" and "Dreck" are fundamentally alien to tolerance and respect for other ways of life. Right-wing ideologues fight against everything they consider "deviant" and "un-German". This includes not only the mosque, but also the gay pub and its visitors.  

Countering with arguments
Calling people filth is not an opinion. It is incitement to hatred. Because anyone who disparages others across the board, regardless of whether they are gay or an asylum seeker, is acting outside the democratic, constitutional order. Fighting back against this has nothing to do with censorship or intolerance. Rather, it is time to show an edge.

When someone in our private lives talks about "those Syrians" who even have smartphones - why do we remain embarrassingly silent? Syria was not a poorhouse before the civil war. Many refugees had a job and an income. They certainly don't dare to make the dangerous and humiliating journey to Germany for a bit of pocket money. When the same or another gay friend triumphantly waffles that 80 per cent of refugees from Eritrea are young men and that it can't be that bad - why don't we show him on a map where this Eritrea is? Why don't we ask him how women and children are supposed to cross the Sahara and the Mediterranean? Every one of us should be able to debunk Pegida theories with factual arguments. And everyone should finally start doing so.

Sheep bleats
Brown thoughts are not the domain of heterosexual, intellectually less gifted young men. Gays sometimes bleat too.

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