MORE SPACE for community

Working together to counter exclusion!

Where can you be yourself?

Where do you feel safe?

Is there enough space for you?

 The video "MehrRaum" is about these questions from queers to queers.

Bars, clubs, associations and groups: queer communities have fought hard for many spaces. Spaces that are still needed and used today. But is there enough space for everyone? Studies such as the one on Queerophobia of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) or Positive voices 2.0 show that many queer people experience discrimination and marginalisation, even within the queer community.

We want to show with this video: Together, MORE SPACE is possible for all of us!

Whether gay, trans, HIV-positive, BIPoC, people with disabilities, kinksters, youngsters or best agers: we all need spaces where we are not alone, where we can be who we are. Especially now, in a time characterised by crises and increasingly hardening fronts, we need spaces that strengthen us. For us as queers, it is now important to gather our resources, represent our concerns and defend our rights. To do this, we need spaces that empower us and do not marginalise anyone!

How can we create safe spaces - individually and as a community?

Our "MORE SPACE" campaign aims to bring both together: Share the video and let's exchange ideas on how we can create more safer spaces for all of us!

Germany in transition - protecting and strengthening queer spaces!

In 2024, Germany is characterised by crises and increasingly hardening fronts. Democracy and society are at a crossroads. For us as queer communities, it is now essential to gather our resources, represent our concerns and defend our rights - without losing sight of our community spaces: Bars, clubs, associations or groups. Spaces that we have fought hard for as communities. Spaces that are still needed today