The Berlinale film "Tomboy" will finally be released in German cinemas on 3 May. The French film tells the story of 10-year-old Laure and her transformation into the boy Michael.
You don't have to wait that long, because you can win 3 x 2 premiere tickets exclusively here.
Because on Tuesday, 24 April 2012, the premiere will take place at 20:30 at Cinema Paris in Berlin, in the presence of director Céline Sciamma. Afterwards, the filmmaker will be available to answer questions from all guests in an audience discussion on the subject of transgender.
How can you take part in the competition?
Simply answer our question and send an e-mail to dah@aidshilfe.de with the keyword "Tomboy" and your contact details!
Question: What does tomboy actually mean?
The closing date for entries is Monday 23 April at 11 am. ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU wishes you good luck!
Conditions of participation: The winners will be drawn by lot and notified by e-mail. Legal recourse is excluded. Persons aged 18 and over are eligible to participate. Employees of Deutsche Aids-Hilfe are excluded from the competition.