That was great: our 2010 highlights

The past year has produced plenty of highlights. Here's to a new one!

There was a lot going on in 2010! Our website has been shining in new splendour since March. In the summer, ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU went on another CSD tour through over 40 cities (see pictures? Click here for our Galleries.) And on World Aids Day this year, we had a particularly high level of media interest. Nobody should miss the following films and reports!

Physical exercises: Stephan also played Tetris

 We are still particularly proud of our Video spots for the Gay Games. Whether it's true passion between footballers or safety when climbing in pairs - I KNOW WHAT I'M DOING has developed a very special view of the joys of physical activity! "Our boys" find themselves in new roles: Harry is good with balls, Christian is on the podium and Stephan has to hold his own in a video game.

Christian gives safer sex tips in sign language
Role model Christian also stood in front of the camera for us. He is deaf and a sign language teacher. Since March, we have therefore also Videos about I KNOW WHAT I DO and safer sex in sign language!

The films were shot in the news studio of the gay broadcaster TIMM (Rest in Peace!). Quote from the cameraman: "That was the quietest shoot I've ever had."

Frank words on the subject of HIV: our Marcel

Reports on living with HIV played a major role at ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU in 2010. Particularly present was Marcel (21). He was already well known through his blog and YouTube channel. Many other media and bloggers also report on him:

A few days ago, a fan of his YouTube channel published a Thank you video with Marcel's highlights of the year.

If you would like to hear Marcel's story in detail, you can do so in the Radio programme of the Plan B series on 1LIVE.

Also in the Arte youth magazine Yourope Marcel talks about himself (albeit under the completely inappropriate heading "The carelessness of young gays", see the paragraph after next).

Larger than life: Markus and his campaign poster

Also Role model Markus comes with Yourope as an ambassador for the campaign "Positiv zusammen leben - Aber sicher!" by the Federal Centre for Health Education and Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe. He showed his face on large posters with two friends. Pictures and videos of the campaign are available at Two interviews with Markus appeared on the IWWIT blog: about his Thoughts and feelings at the campaign launch and about everything that happened afterwards.

Briefly on the subject "Carelessness". The thesis of the "increasing" or "new carelessness" in terms of HIV could not be killed off in 2010 either. "That's astonishing, because it's simply wrong," writes Dirk Sander, gay counsellor at Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe, in a very readable article in Debattenmagazin The European.

The Berlin radio station Fritz gave Martin a chance to speak

Every year on World AIDS Day, the media look for young positive people who have just been infected. Martin (21) was ready for an interview - with an amazing result! He is coping unusually well with the infection and was allowed to talk about it in detail on Fritz radio. The interview was organised by ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU.

Nadja has now published her own view

Interest in a complete Annual review on the topic of HIV/Aids from Nadja Benaissa to "pre-exposure prophylaxis"? You can find it in the blog Ondamaris:

January to April

May to August

September to December

The team of the DAH Blog (blog of Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe) has asked numerous contemporaries what they will remember most about HIV in 2010. They include entertainer Gayle Tufts, Professor Rolf Rosenbrock from the Berlin Science Centre, blogger Uli Würdemann (Ondamaris) and Men-Editor Paul Schulz.

Last but not least: We would like to thank all our role models, preventionists and readers for a successful 2010. Here's to a new one!



Mpox - Current information

More space _ Safer Spaces for Queers

More space

Go to the test

Darkroom characters: The catfish

Gay. Trans*. Part of the scene!

Further offers

We offer various counselling services. Whether online, by phone or in a live chat: experienced and trained counsellors are available to answer all your questions about HIV, STIs, chemsex and mental well-being. You can seek help from the anti-discrimination centre if you have experienced discrimination due to your HIV infection.