Sexy gay games adverts: The actors from the porn label Erocreations went up the walls for us. Director Daniel Schirm explains why "angeseilt" is awesome.

You were aiming high with your spots!
Yes, because it was necessary. The idea was that you can only really give yourself over to sex if you've made sure you're safe beforehand. Just like with sport. If you are aware of the risks when climbing and have roped yourself up, you can simply let yourself fall into the fun afterwards. And the best way to fall is from a great height. Hence the climbing wall.
A nice little metaphor.
Yes, isn't it? (laughs) And our actor Konstantin May is also very good-looking. He's very sporty and that's who we needed and wanted for the advert.

Was it difficult to convince him to go along with it?
No, not at all. We've been working with ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU for some time now. Our actors like it and are happy to be involved. They like the campaign and feel it appeals to them.
From what?
They recognise themselves in the campaign. After all, we work with "guys from next door" who the viewer could also meet on the street - just like I KNOW WHAT I DO. And secondly, our company philosophy is very similar to the approach of the campaign.
In what way?
It's important to us that our performers protect themselves, but we also don't want to spoil people's enjoyment of pornography by constantly preaching condom use. Our films are made with rubber and still look hot and fun.

Do you talk about safe sex on set?
Yes, of course. We also talk to them, for example, about the fact that 100 per cent safety is a lofty goal, but one that you probably can't achieve. You have to think for yourself about how safe you need or want to be with which partner, talk about it and take responsibility for it. It's a bit like sport: there's a lot that's not without danger if you do it wrong, overestimate yourself or are untrained. You have to train, train, train! (laughs)
(Interview: Paul Schulz)
Tip: If you want to see the advert in an adult version, you have a good chance in the Cologne scene during the Gay Games! A second advert deals with the topic of "high bar".