What to do in a drug emergency?

Call 112 in the event of an acute drug emergency! Avoid the words drugs and police, but say, for example, "Unconscious person, possibly in shock". Stay with the person until the ambulance arrives. In the event of respiratory arrest, artificial respiration and cardiac massage can save lives.

Don't be afraid to make mistakes: Any help is better than looking the other way, but you should react immediately.


Sometimes a glass of water, fresh air or calming words can help the person affected. In the event of anxiety and panic, lead them into a calm environment, but avoid sharp changes in light or temperature.


If you are unable to assess the situation, take him to hospital or call 112.


If you mention the words "respiratory arrest" or "unconsciousness" on the phone, an ambulance (+ emergency doctor) will come to the scene of the accident as quickly as possible. As doctors and paramedics are bound to confidentiality, you can be open with them. However, if you want to be absolutely sure, you should not mention anything about drugs on the phone. Otherwise, the police will be informed if drugs are involved.

In the event of an emergency, the following rules should always be observed:

  • Keep calm!
  • Ask other people to help you and stay with the person if possible.
  • Try to speak to the person and keep him/her awake.
  • Ensure a quiet and protected environment.
  • Find out what and how much the person concerned has consumed.
  • Ask if there are any remnants of the drug(s) consumed. This information is extremely important for further (emergency) medical treatment.
  • Enquire about any pre-existing conditions that may be partly responsible for the emergency,
  • If in doubt, always call an ambulance immediately and stay there until the doctor arrives.


Source: Mindzone

With Drugscouts you will find more detailed tips for drug emergencies.

Emergency call

Emergency number for Germany: 112

Doctors are bound to confidentiality!

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