Risk minimisation

There is no such thing as zero risk when using drugs. However, if you take drugs, you can do a lot to minimise the risks as much as possible: Find out about the effects and interactions of the substances you want to take, avoid using new substances alone if possible and be careful when dosing and topping up.

Preparation is important

Pack what you need for low-risk consumption: your own tube for snorting and sterile syringes as well as filters and water for intravenous consumption if necessary. You should fill your GHB/GBL rations with a small syringe at home beforehand to avoid overdosing while high. If you want to limit the amount you consume, you can buy small containers for small amounts of cocaine, speed, etc. in online shops. If you are undergoing HIV treatment, you should take enough medication with you. The party may last longer than planned.


Wait with the "refill"

It always depends on the drug, but it is generally recommended: Wait at least two hours before topping up, i.e. consuming the next dose. It is risky if you take too much or too soon - especially with GHB/GBL, as the substance has not yet fully developed its effect and this can lead to unpredictable increases in the effects.


If the stomach is full, it may take longer for the drug to take effect.

Make arrangements with your friends

If you take Chems at a party, someone you trust should be nearby. If friends are taking something, it is advisable for someone in the group to stay sober. Let each other know what you are swallowing, snorting or injecting - this makes it easier to help in an emergency. And if you go to a party together, leave it together. Don't leave anyone behind if they have taken drugs. If you haven't seen a friend for a while, check on them - maybe they need help.

Info & tips on safe substance use

Pay attention to the quality of your drugs

Illegal drugs are often not sold pure, but "diluted" with other substances. The purity and therefore the effect can therefore vary considerably from time to time. Be careful with suppliers you don't know! Only buy from people you trust and who take their substance themselves. But even this approach does not offer 1001TP3 certainty. It's better to start with a small amount to assess the potency and avoid overdosing. The pill warning app KnowDrugs (external link) sends up-to-date European and worldwide pill warnings to your mobile phone. The app also provides substance information and first aid advice for drug emergencies.


Beware of interactions

Some drugs and medications have a stimulating and energising effect. Such "uppers" include caffeine, speed, crystal and cocaine. Substances with a calming effect are considered "downers": alcohol, cannabis, GHB/GBL or ketamine also make you tired. Mixing two or more substances is risky: the combination of poppers and potency pills, for example, can be life-threatening. Taking various downers is particularly dangerous.


The right drug in the right place

Drugs are taken for a variety of reasons, for example to make you insensitive to pain for certain sexual practices - which can lead to you not recognising boundaries. When it comes to the question of whether you want to take drugs and if so, which ones, the location is also important: as downers such as ketamine have a calming and anaesthetic effect, it is not a good idea to take downers in a gay sauna, for example. You may then no longer be able to control what is happening to you. In addition, your circulation will be put under additional strain in the sauna.


Never try something new alone

As a general rule, only take drugs if you are in good health and in good mental shape. Don't let anyone persuade you to do anything. Only try new substances in a private setting and not alone. And start with small quantities first.


Ideally, friends should always be there. Look out for each other and never leave anyone alone at a party. If the others know what you are taking, they can react better in an emergency.

Getting home safely

Arrange a few things with your friends beforehand: How will you get to the party and back home afterwards? If you have taken Chems, you should not take part in road traffic - not even by bike. If you are travelling by car, decide beforehand who will stay sober. Or leave enough money for a taxi home.


Allow time for regeneration

If you consume Chems, you need time to regenerate afterwards. It is therefore advisable to plan consumption-free days before you go back to work. With some drugs, such as LSD or crystal meth, recovery can take several days. If you are taking HIV medication, some drugs are also broken down much more slowly.

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Further offers

We offer various counselling services. Whether online, by phone or in a live chat: experienced and trained counsellors are available to answer all your questions about HIV, STIs, chemsex and mental well-being. You can seek help from the anti-discrimination centre if you have experienced discrimination due to your HIV infection.