"For me, living with HIV means..." ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU has asked various people this question and their opinions and experiences are just as varied and diverse.
Jörg Litwinschuh, Chairman of the Magnus Hirschfeld Federal Foundation, wishes "to be able to be HIV-positive as a matter of course, just like other people with other characteristics..." For Renate from Berlin, living with HIV means "showing science what can be achieved with willpower and good medication." Entertainer and singer Romy Haag also comments on the topic.
You can watch the short film on YouTube or on our Facebook profile. Two more films will be added in the coming days.
If you would like to know more about living with HIV, you will find important information here on our topic pages. Here you will find information on living with HIV, HIV and work and medical information.
In our SO ISSES" campaign tell our role models in very personal videos about their lives and experiences with HIV.