
Let's keep our minds and bodies fit! Here you can find news and articles about gay and queer health.

Zahl der Syphilis-Fälle steigt weiter an
In 2013, 5,015 cases of syphilis were registered in Germany. Four out of five of all reported cases were presumably due to sexual contact between men. Accordingly, the number of reported cases rose by 13.5 per cent compared to the previous year.
Langzeitfolgen von HIV-Therapien
Around 20 per cent of HIV-infected people have difficulties with their HIV therapy. Berlin HIV specialist Dr Gerd Klausen on the long-term consequences: Of physical complaints and psychological stress
HIV-Therapien heute: Zwischen „sehr gut“ bis „zum Kotzen“
Statistically speaking, around 80 per cent of all patients cope very well with their HIV therapy. But what about the remaining 20 per cent? Axel Schock asked Gerd Klausen, a doctor specialising in HIV, about the risks and side effects.