
Here you will find all articles in chronological order on hot topics from the community, health and politics.

„Es reicht!“ findet Manuel – Die Sache mit dem ‚richtigen Sex‘
In my opinion, in recent years the reports about trans* people in the media have been too focussed on the physical. In the end, trans* people were even followed on camera onto the operating table to show how and what genital surgery is performed. I don't see any enrichment for cis people in this. It merely serves a base sensationalism rather than genuine enlightenment.
Transition: Die drei typischen Ebenen der Angleichung
Transition refers to the harmonisation of trans* people with their actual gender. To put it somewhat casually, it means making visible to the outside world what has long been clear on the inside. Transition is usually a year-long process - which can be very challenging for the trans* person. The three typical levels are briefly outlined below.
Grips Theater Berlin: Bejubelte Premiere von „Nasser#7Leben“
Nasser's sensational fate made headlines across Germany. His Lebanese-born family first wanted to force the then 16-year-old Berliner into marriage and then even kill him. The Grips Theater Berlin has now turned it into a youth theatre play about homophobia, prejudice and the successful fight for a self-determined gay life.