
Here you will find all articles in chronological order on hot topics from the community, health and politics.

HIV-Infektion trotz PrEP: Interview mit „Joe“
At CROI, the world's most important HIV medical conference, the first well-documented case of someone contracting HIV despite taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (pre-exposure prophylaxis to prevent HIV infection) was presented at the end of February. Trenton Straube spoke to the "case" - who only wants to be called "Joe". Here is the abridged interview
ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU Florian über Crystal Meth
Florian, 37, has been reporting on his drug experiences on ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU for four years. He wants to help other drug users to reduce their risks. To mark the current debate, we spoke to him about crystal meth.
Das Kondom: Safer Sex von gestern? (Teil 1)
For a long time, the condom was the only method of protection against HIV. However, there are now more: protection through therapy (in the case of successful HIV therapy), PEP as so-called "post-risk prevention" and PrEP, "pre-risk prevention", in which HIV-negative people take HIV medication as a precaution, extend the protection options.
Bist du ein glücklicher Schwuler? – Ein offener Brief an die Community
As I was thinking about my life the other day, a question suddenly occurred to me: Am I actually a happy gay man? My over-analytical mind couldn't immediately give me a clear answer. So I started looking for clues and scrutinised my gay friends. They say that you are reflected in the people you surround yourself with. And lo and behold, I discovered a pattern ...