Georg* (39) was doubly unlucky: in November 2013, he fell ill for the second time with Hepatitis C. Fortunately, there are now new drugs that are much better tolerated. For the HIV-positive electrical engineer from Munich, the second infection was the reason for a small awareness campaign on the subject of hepatitis C.
Georg, what did your doctor say when he visited you for the second time? Hepatitis C has established?
He just said: "You've obviously got a knack for hepatitis C. But don't worry, we can manage that too". I told him straight away: if possible, no more interferon therapy, please!
Why no interferon?
Because of the side effects. I couldn't even climb stairs at times during the therapy. I also had psychological problems: Anxiety, especially at work. Despite this, I was only on sick leave for three weeks during the 48 weeks of therapy.
The first infection was over five years ago. How did you feel after the second diagnosis?
I was shocked. I fist actively and passively, but only with gloves. I only fuck with a rubber. So where did I get it from? I panicked after the diagnosis: Can I do the treatment again? My liver values have improved slightly. There is still hope that the hepatitis C will go away on its own. That's why we decided: We'll wait until the new medication without interferon is available.
When did you first hear about the new hepatitis C therapies?
Last year. The first reaction was: I want them! (laughs) The high price naturally put me off. I realised at the time that I wouldn't be able to get it as a health insurance patient.
The health insurance companies have now announced that they will fund the new therapies. Are you starting therapy now?
Yes, I expect to start treatment at the beginning of May. At my next appointment with my doctor, I will say: I want to have the tablets now and finally get rid of the virus! My liver isn't getting any better.
What did you know about hepatitis C before you got it yourself?
Quite a lot. I used to go to lectures with my HIV specialist. It was all about HIV and possible co-infections. As the former title holder of "Mr Leather Bavaria", I did a workshop on hepatitis C, together with the Munich Lions Club and the Munich AIDS service organisation.
What was that about?
The new drugs, transmission routes and disinfection options. The hepatitis C virus survives outside the body for up to three weeks. This must be taken into account when disinfecting lying surfaces or sex toys. You should use special disinfectants and leave them on long enough. This also means that you should not use a dildo again immediately after sanitising it. And if you have put on fresh gloves, you should avoid touching the lying surface or chains of the sling.
Were you able to tell people a lot of new things, or do fetish fans already know everything about Hepatitis C?
Most people are surprised. Everyone knows about HIV and syphilis, but hepatitis C is the great unknown that you catch on the side.
Do some sex partners turn you down because you Hepatitis C have?
Privately, there were only three negative reactions. All three were play partners I had already played with. One of them told me openly: "That's too risky for me. I thought that was fine. The other two didn't tell me anything. But I later learnt that they had spoken disparagingly about me and my infection to others. That's crazy: someone speaks honestly about their illness and is then ostracised! It's much worse when the people involved don't find out and can't protect themselves.
Has something similar happened to you because of HIV?
No. HIV is better known. Hepatitis C, on the other hand, is for many the big dark lake where nobody knows how deep it is and what lies beneath the surface. People don't venture far out into it.
Has Hepatitis C changed your sex life?
Yes, after my infection I even thought: That's it, I'm going to become asexual! But my doctor told me: You're still too young for abstinence. Don't let an infection stop you from living! And of course my friends supported me and said: Why don't you come along again? Or they invited me to private parties where there were only three or four people. They encouraged me and said: We'll make sure nothing happens.
*Name changed

More about Hepatitis C on I KNOW WHAT I AM DOING.