1 May: Get to work!

Fear of marginalisation: Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe calls for the integration of positive people in the workplace.

HIV is usually a taboo in the workplace because many positive people are afraid of discrimination. To mark Labour Day, Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe is calling for integration.

The biggest problem: fear of marginalisation. Photo: Jan Tornack/www.pixelio.de

More than two thirds of the approximately 67,000 people with HIV in Germany work - that's around 47,000. In other words, one in every 1,000 employees is HIV-positive. However, very few positive people are open about their infection in the workplace. They are afraid of discrimination and dismissal. And not without good reason: time and again, people with HIV report completely inappropriate reactions from their employers or colleagues.

The reason for this is usually the absurd fears of employees that they could become infected with HIV during their day-to-day work. Employers often think that positive employees are not productive enough or are sick more often.

Only one thing can help against such irrational fears: A realistic portrayal of life with HIV in 2010. Thanks to combination therapies, most people with HIV are now very well able to fulfil the demands of their job. The fact that it is not possible to contract HIV in the office also needs to be emphasised time and again.

Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe has made the topic of "HIV and work" its focus this year. In an extensive Online dossier people with HIV talk about their experiences. Experts describe the social situation and point out possible solutions.

Stephan works as an educator

Stephan, role model of ICH WEISS WAS ICH TU, is also part of the programme. In a film clip, the 38-year-old explains how he deals with HIV infection in his job as an educator. His motto: openness right from the start! He has found that the reactions of superiors and colleagues are often friendlier than he feared.

On the occasion of 1 May, Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe is calling on trade unions and employers' associations to fulfil their social responsibility and actively promote the integration of HIV-positive employees. All those involved are invited to work together with Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe to change the situation.


Press release by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe on 1 May 2010

"HIV and work" - Dossier by Deutsche AIDS-Hilfe



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Further offers

We offer various counselling services. Whether online, by phone or in a live chat: experienced and trained counsellors are available to answer all your questions about HIV, STIs, chemsex and mental well-being. You can seek help from the anti-discrimination centre if you have experienced discrimination due to your HIV infection.